Monday, 27 October 2014

Tie-Dye At Wearable Arts

     Tie-Dye At Wearable Arts

Our whole school participated in learning different art techniques for WOW We all learnt techniques were the result would all turn out unique. My favourite technique I learnt was Tie-Dye. Tie-Dye was really fun and interesting. I decided I wouldn't do the technique most people were doing for tie-dye I decided to do a technique I learnt online. It is called the spiral what you do is you pinch the middle then spin it's pretty easy. Then you put rubber bands around the spiral. A lot of other people thought my technique was cool so I taught them how to do it. Once I finished teaching them I went over to the dye and started to do some cool colours there was red,orange,yellow and blue. I decided to do all of them. When I went to Tie-Dye I learnt that when you're doing it, it doesn't have to be perfect because all the results were really cool and unique. I was also really proud of how mine turned out because the spiral shape really showed and there wasn't much white showing. My group for WOW will definitely  use this technique in our creation.

By Jade

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